Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ach, du lieber Lieberman!

A song. (ahem.)

Ach, du lieber Lieberman, Lieberman, Lieberman!
Ach, du lieber Lieberman, you just can't win!

1. Money's gone, nomination's gone,
You just can't win, Lieberman!
Not as an independent, Lieberman,
You just can't win!

2. Office is gone, staff is gone,
But turnout rose 30 thousand.
O, my dear friend Lieberman,
They all hate you so!

3. Even that rich town Greenwich,
Voted for Ned*, which
Spent four mill of his own dollars,
And left Joe for dead!

4. Still, Schlesinger's** a nebbish,
And you've got name reCOGnish,
The polls say you might win it,
In November, if you run.

5. Now, MoveOn*** is beaming,
Howard Dean**** will be screaming!
Ach, du lieber Lieberman,
You just can't win!

(With apologies to the German folk, for using their German folk song, "Ach, du lieber Augustin" in so craven a fashion. And, check that link for the lyrics. Think of all the times you sang that in grade school....)

* Ned is Ned Lamont, now Dem nominee
** Schlesinger is Alan Schlesinger, Repub nominee
*** is a loose society of liberals who have gone over to the dark side
****Howard Dean is head of DNC


  1. Compared to the original, I really miss the dramatization towards the end... like mentions of the plague, us lying in our graves and death coming up soon.
    Ah yes, and Refrain #3 is out of rhythm.
    Otherwise, fine. No apologies needed.

  2. I've been thinking of "Ach, du lieber Lieberman," ever since the primary was over, and just now did a word search for such a phrase. Naturally the same idea occurred to others, as I now see. I am a LiveJournal blogger with the pseudonym "Reykr," but don't know how to post, that way.
