Thursday, December 14, 2006


The Dem party website has a drop-down labeled "People". Click on it, and you go here....

Lots of stuff there. I looked in vain for "White men over 30 who live in cities". That is a big part of the voting population...but there is nothing for them.

Are the Dems just writing them off? I know that the Dem motto is, "Vote for Us, And We'll Give You Other People's Money!" But, still: shouldn't you pretend that you are not just an extortion racket, based on the Jesse Jackson model writ large?

"Give me money or I'll call you [fill in as appropriate here, given your "People" category on the Dem website]"

The Dems are wholly taken in by the illusion that F. Bastiat debunked so brilliantly:
"The State is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."

The state CAN'T take care of everybody. But I would have thought the Dems would at least pretend to be interested in people who pay taxes, rather than just those who suck down all the benefits.

(Nod to KL for the links, though don't blame KL for my interpretation)

UPDATE: Wrong link before; sorry! Better now....

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