Thursday, January 31, 2008

Munger appointed to "Truth Squad;" Mayor Ness is an Idiot!

So, a gleeful reader sends this eclipping:

Sen. Barack Obama’s Minnesota campaign Tuesday announced the creation of a Minnesota Truth Squad, whose purpose will be to combat misleading information about the Democratic presidential candidate in the lead-up to next week’s “Super Tuesday” caucus night.

Duluth Mayor Don Ness and Sally Munger, daughter-in-law to the late state legislator Willard Munger, were announced as members of the state’s squad.

Ness took some criticism when it was announced that he was the co-chairman of Obama’s Minnesota campaign, with some questioning whether it would divert too much attention from his new role as mayor. He said Tuesday that he has worked 12- to 16-hour days as mayor while spending “maybe a grand total of an hour to an hour and a half” on the Obama campaign, and being a member of the truth squad should take only a few minutes out of the week.

“It’s my understanding that if a situation arose where we had an issue come up that I would have a perspective to share, that it would be a call to make,” he said.

Now, that is kind of funny: A Munger on Obama's "truth squad."
But the real bonus is the statement of the mayor there at the end. Let's parse it:
"It’s my understanding that if a situation arose where we had an issue come up that I would have a perspective to share, that it would be a call to make."

That is nearly perfect iambic pentameter, folks!

It's MY underSTANDing that
IF a SITuAtion aROSE
where WE had an ISsue come UP
that *I* would HAVE a perSPECTive to SHARE
that it WOULD be a CALL to MAKE.

(okay, needs more feet to be pentameter. But he was going for it, by golly!)

It just sings. It doesn't mean a damned thing, but it sings. Mayor Ness, you are my hero. You exhibit glibNESS, smoothNESS, and poeticNESS. The very epitome of mayorNESS, I would say!

1 comment:

  1. ...meaning, should you become mayor, your mayorNESS skills would be sub-par? Or does all of that NESSness come with the office?
