Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No Lurking

If you won't do it for me, or for Angus, do it for Amber: don't lurk.


(nod to Chris, though he lurks sometimes)


  1. All the better to fly under the radar.

    Besides, what would a polisci PhD have to say to two econ PhDs that they wouldn't already know? :)

  2. Damn, busted...

    Things I like- most posts, with a personally lurking love for caturdays

    Things I tend to look past- the glorious all-encompassing wisdom of S Bainbridge

    If I were to have one request, it would be for Mungo to replace his EconTalk trademark pic with one from this series:

    Many thanks for your blogging efforts!

  3. I second the request for the picture change, and why would I lurk, this site has given me valuable information and links, how else would I have found the link to the Economist article about the pole tax. Nothing makes me happier than turning in a paper that questions the elasticity of the demand curve for naked boobs, lol.

  4. I've got a PhD in nothing, I should probably be lurking more. But, alas, I've got a big mouth...

    And I love learning from this blog. The sarcasm is a fun counterpoint to [some people's] politeness, and not as scathing as [some other person].

    Mixed all in together, it makes for a nice econsoup.

  5. Like all good luddites, I blame technology: RSS feeds make lurking so much easier. I don't even have to visit the blog! (Is that lurking-by-proxy?)

  6. I know I've linked, not sure I've commented before. Delurking commencing...

  7. Yeah, I lurk what! Got on my jammies and my bunny slippers, too. And I'll continue to lurk in the future as well -- anonymously. Deal with it.

  8. I engage in both elurking and real lurking. It's not my fault I live in the triangle and go to most of the same events as mungowitz...
