Wednesday, January 09, 2008

She's Ba-ack!

Wow, sorry for the premature obituary. Hillary made up an alleged 10 point deficit by decisively winning the votes of women (by 13 percentage points, which she failed to do in Iowa), and by McCain's siphoning off some of the independent vote from Obama. In retrospect, this second phenomenon should have been predictable, sorry I got carried away. It does seem like curtains now for John Edwards though, doesn't it?


  1. it warn't jus' you, buddy...

    Check out the inTrade numbers jump for hillary and obama

    She was paying 70, then 28, now back up to 59.

    Everyone thought the fork was firmly in.

  2. My question is, if Edwards puts his support behind Obama (since they both consider each other "agents of change"), will Clinton's victory matter?

  3. Well if everyone who voted for Edwards had voted for Obama, Obama woulda won 53-39. But I don't think Edwards supporters are a monolithic bloc that can be passed. Now if it's the convention, then Edwards could try to broker a deal for his delegates, but I am under the impression that these types of activities are too old school; they just don't happen anymore (anyone want to help me out here? Mungowitz? Bueller?)

  4. Given the political prognostications of KPC heretofore, I look for Johnny boy to be moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue sometime next January.

  5. Crying one day. Jubilation the next. Maybe what this country needs is a manic depressive president.

    Interesting to see that Paul came in second among voters 18-24. Maybe No Child Left Behind has a silver lining.

  6. If Edwards wins, I swear I'll move back to Mexico!!
