Monday, March 24, 2008

They slipped up and said it out loud, Minnesota edition

For the original edition of this title see here.

From King at SCSU comes the tale of Minnesota State Senator Larry Pogemiller, who in his enlightened wisdom said:

"I think it's simplistic and naive to say people can spend their money better than the government."and he went on to include... "The notion that everybody can individually spend their money better than government I, I just think is trite, wrongheaded and anti-democratic."

I am loving this trend of our "leaders" coming out and finally saying what they really think. Getting all the cards on the table, so to speak.

King, I know what we'd do with such a fellow here in Oklahomie, but what will happen up north? Is he your next Governor?


  1. I like that they say what they think but I get scared when I hear it.

  2. As a reader from Minneapolis Minnesota I am worried too. Some how we have to get around to defining property rights (in the city) in a way that doesn't need government to intervene all the time to solve problems. Moving from Virginia I was blissfully unaware of all the externalities that could occur from having so much humanity packed into such a small place. I never understood the appeal of zoning laws until I moved here. To our credit though, we are implementing dynamic congestion pricing for some of our roads.

  3. Whenever We hear it from them we kinda get troubled. Its really different when it really comes from them.

  4. Such a great article it was trend of our "leaders" coming out and finally saying what they really think. Getting all the cards on the table, so to speak.It is an interesting and informative article, thanks a lot.
