Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Will the last Republicans left please turn off the lights?

I have been told that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while always expecting a different outcome. On these grounds, much of the Republican Congressional delegation is clearly insane. They still seem to believe that anti-immigrant nativist bilge is a big vote winner for them:

WASHINGTON - House Republicans are trying to force action on a Democratic-written immigration enforcement measure, the latest GOP attempt to elevate the volatile issue into an election-year wedge.Republican leaders hope that by pushing the bill — endorsed by 48 centrist Democrats and 94 Republicans — they can drive Democrats into a politically painful choice: Backing a tough immigration measure that could alienate their base, including Hispanic voters, or being painted as soft on border security in conservative-leaning districts.

The plan is fraught with political risks for both parties. A full-blown immigration debate could call attention to Republicans' divisions at a time when their expected presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, is fighting to gain the trust of the GOP base.

Since Tancredo and his posse did so well in the Republican primaries, I guess this really is a good idea, eh??

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