Saturday, August 23, 2008

That's one small misstep for Obama, but one giant leap for gridlock.

He did it. Despite earlier KPC incredulity. BHO picked the airheaded creepy plagiarist. Wow. All I can say is Obama must REALLY REALLY HATE Hillary.

Can you feel the gridlock train a'rolling people?

Now millions of parents can tell their kids, "don't cheat in school honey or you might wind up being vice president!"


  1. Please explain how the choice of Biden increases the probability of gridlock.

    It would be great if your explanation would be intellectual, specifically within the pivotal-politics framework established by Keith Krehbiel.

  2. Sure, anything for my readers.

    Krehbiel is wrong.

    Parties do matter.


  3. Haha, can I quote you in my next Legislative organization essay, Angus?

    Seriously though, I think the end of your post is a little mixed up. If I understand your premise, you think picking Biden will hurt Barack's chances, thus increasing gridlock since McCain will win. If thats true then it won't be possible for millions of kids to be told that a warm bucket of spit is their reward for plagarism.

  4. Angus said...
    Sure, anything for my readers.

    Krehbiel is wrong.

    Parties do matter.



    Weak, Angus. You can do better than this. You SHOULD do better than this, as your an academic not a non-trained pundit.

    How about giving it a REAL try?

  5. Obama nearly could've picked Dmitry Medvedev for VP and still won.

    McCain is running an ad during the olympics about taking on oil, pharma, banking, and tobacco - just in case anybody still thought he was a Republican.

  6. So after reading This particular news item, what do you think the chances are that McCain will *also* pick Biden as VP candidate?

  7. I'm sorry I can't share Angus's confidence that McCain will block any part of the coming socialist tide.

  8. 1. I think Biden is a bad pick that will hurt Obama and I don't think Obama is a foregone conclusion at this point. I kind of like Obama, but then he does ridiculous crap like this.

    2. If the Dems get 60 Senate seats, then a Repub prez won't help much with gridlock, though he still might be able to peel some conservative Dems away from their party.

    3. With enough senators to uphold a veto behind him a Repub prez will, in my opinion be able to either be significantly able to alter the content of the bills that come across his desk, or if the Dems go for show instead of passage, be able to block some parts of their desired agenda. So the status quo will be more upheld either ex-post or ex-ante and I am calling that gridlock.

    4. I should have said "wind up running for Veep" instead of "being veep", though I do admit Obama is probably still the favorite.

    5. Parties matter.
