Friday, January 02, 2009

Education on Education

I just wish this weren't so true. President Obama is going to reform the public schools by sending his kids to private schools. Should he be able to do this? Is he right to do this, given the problems in the DC schools. Yup. It's the hypocrisy that bothers me.

Really a tremendous satire. Yes, you may have seen it long ago. But I just saw it for the first time.

Nod to Joanna, at FA


  1. Would you really want to mess up your kids by sending them to DC schools just to prove a point? Of course it's all political theater and everyone knows he's a hypocrite, but would anyone else behave differently?

  2. Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister represent some of the best political satire of all time.

  3. Jeez, Anon, try to focus. Here is what I said: " President Obama is going to reform the public schools by sending his kids to private schools. Should he be able to do this? Is he right to do this, given the problems in the DC schools. Yup. It's the hypocrisy that bothers me."

    I just ran for Governor. Throughout the race, I had rich liberals tell me that we should not let poor people have choices. I said, "But YOU have choices." They said, "Yes, but that's different."

    HOW THE FUCK IS IT DIFFERENT? It's just hypocrisy.

    If Obama favored charter schools, and vouchers, I would have no problem with him bailing out of the public schools. But....well, I think you see where I'm going, here.
