Monday, February 23, 2009

sweet shooting

On the menu bar off to the side, if you click on 18 three pointers, you can see Baron Davis besting Nash. I am still laughing about their version of the movie "Stepbrothers".


  1. It would seem that the null hypothesis can be stated in a number of ways...For example, Steve Nash is the best three point shooter. I find this to be an incredibly poorly designed experiment. First of all the hoser with "21 three pointers" must be instantly omitted from consideration. He isn't shooting from the same three point line as Nash/Davis, but is shooting from what looks to be the college line (with his foot on the line several times). The more pertinent comparison is perhaps Davis vs Nash, but this isn't really appropriate either. Nash is shooting from the baseline (a tougher shot) with a single (relatively unathletic) ball retriever, while Davis shoots from a considerably easier spot (the top fo the key) with half of Los Angeles shagging balls for him...Kind of like simply choosing the regression with the highest R-squared.

  2. Actually the corner 3 is considered easier. It's a shorter distance. BD does have a much better retrieval team though.
