Tuesday, April 14, 2009

BHO got a PWD from EMK (and it's OK)

Me and Mungowitz love us some mutts. We got Pluto from the Norman pound the day we moved there. Hobo and Tanzi are both rescue dogs. But people, it's OK to get a purebred dog if you want to. I am amazed by the fact that Obama's dog choice is getting so much ink and whining. I am further amazed that the breeder who sold Joe Biden a german shepherd pup has allegedly received death threats!

These pics make me like BHO and gabby Joe more than I used to, no matter what kind of dogs they chose:

1 comment:

  1. Oh well, it's really intriguing if Bo was really a rescue dog or everything was planned. But still, people should spare the dog from intrigues XD
