Thursday, April 09, 2009

The wonders of Latin American Politics

As I was reflecting on how Alberto Fujimori went from hero to zero in Peru, I saw a news story that Evo Morales was going on a hunger strike to force the legislature to set a firm date for his next election. And I thought to myself, (a) that's crazy, but not unprecedented, and (b) it won't last for long. I then remembered Carlos Salinas going on a hunger strike after his brother's arrest. That one lasted around 45 minutes or so IIRC. Even Vladimir Montesinos went on a prison hunger strike. He allegedly made it 9 days before quitting, though our Peruvian friend and co-author Rodolfo said that the guards were sneaking him candy bars the whole time!

As I now reflected on crazy in Latin American politics, my mind flashed to Abdala Buraram who had a cup of coffee as president of Ecuador before being shown the door due to mental deficiency (I am not making this up).

Then people, I struck gold: photos of Bucaram and Fujimori (a Lebanese guy and an Japanese guy eating cuy together while wearing traditional Andean indigenous outfits. Feast your eyes:

and by cuy, I mean your children's pet hamsters!

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