Thursday, July 16, 2009

Confirm her

No one has come out of the Sotomayor hearing looking like anything but an idiot.

With the exception of Ms. Sotomayor, whom I like more and more, personally. I don't think we agree on much. But she is replacing that doofus David Souter, and I think she has a 25% higher IQ than he did, maybe more (she is surely a lot smarter than I am). And she is no more liberal than Souter, so no change in balance on the court. And she appears to feel obliged to give actual reasons, based on the law.

So, I say, confirm her.

This made me laugh.

1 comment:

  1. And she is no more liberal than Souter, so no change in balance on the court.

    But she might be less idealistic/formalist than Souter and more pragmatic, which would overturn a host of civil liberties decisions like the recent Melendez-Diaz. (Confrontation Right extends to lab reports.) Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN) tried to get Sotomayor to say she'd overturn it when it comes up for Round 2 (a related case) this fall.

    There's a bunch of cases with a Scalia, Thomas, Souter, Ginsburg, Stevens majority that need to be watched carefully. As far as I can tell, all the Democrats seem to be insisting that Sotomayor will vote to overturn all these pro-defendant Scalia decisions that Souter joined him on.
