Friday, April 30, 2010

My problem with congress in a nutshell

“Balancing the budget and reducing the debt, in my mind, are not ends in and of themselves,” said Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill. “We can't afford to skimp on our children's education, assuring access to quality, affordable health care, retirement security, achieving energy independence, investing in our infrastructure, supporting medical research, creating more jobs.”

The article containing this gem is here.

While I do partly agree with the first phrase to the extent that I don't favor balancing the budget at current spending levels, the hideous combination of arrogance, profligacy and ignorance shown here typifies, to me, how our congress operates (and has operated for quite a while now).


  1. For some reason that quote reminds me of Dashiki in this clip:

  2. ah, congress in a nutshell. how endearing.

  3. We had to spend a lot of money on maintaining her husband while he was in jail. dave.s.
