Tuesday, September 14, 2010

(not) Taking the piss

I didn't know that Irish were such wimps:

Motorists using Ireland's new motorway network can expect to find themselves thirsty or bursting for the lavatory because the government hasn't any money left to build roadside service stations.
The government body in charge of roads has begun erecting signs warning drivers not to expect any rest stops along a network that stretches from the Irish Sea to the Atlantic.

Struggling to plug Europe's biggest budget deficit and to kickstart the ailing economy simultaneously, Ireland set aside scarce funds to revamp a road network still reminiscent of its past as one of Europe's poorest countries.

As money ran out the National Roads Authority (NRA) had to scrap plans to build service stations in most places. It is now putting up signs warning of no "online" services ahead and pointing motorists toward petrol stations in nearby towns.

"It's as important to let people know what's there as what is not there," a spokesman for the NRA told the Irish Independent newspaper.

The AA motoring group said it was unacceptable for drivers not to have anywhere stop for the toilet or a coffee for the entire 250 km (155 mile) journey between Ireland's two biggest cities Dublin and Cork for example, even from a purely safety perspective

People, 155 miles is NOTHING. You can drive from OKC to Santa Fe and easily go that far without a gas station or rest stop. That's what, 2 hours of driving if you have a real car?

I guess maybe the typical Irish bladder on the highway is a tad fuller than the typical American bladder?


  1. It's better than the situation in Alaska. Reststops are further apart than that.

    Also they have bears.

    My friend Michelle explains that, past the initial point of discovery, this has a marked effect on ones desire to mictate.

  2. They should sell the monopoly rights to any and all food, beverage and lavatory services to the highest bidder.

  3. Jesse's idea will solve the problem neatly, but why does it have to be a monopoly? The bureaucrats just need to make it possible for entrepreneurs to set up to sell snacks and petrol to travelers.
