Monday, November 08, 2010

Buy More Better Cars, and Other Stuff

BHO writes an op-ed. (Okay, some ghost wrote it, but BHO read it and suggested some edits)

Here it is, in the state-sponsored mouthpiece of the administration...

He seems to believe, or at least he says he believes, that Chinese people didn't buy General Motors cars because of protectionism. I believe that that is not right.


  1. Here it is, in the state-sponsored mouthpiece of the administration...

    So a publicly traded, run for profit news company is now a "state sponsored mouthpiece"?

    You would think that the current "state" would want to at least take David Brooks off the payroll.

  2. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Buy Cars
