Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grand Game: Freakishly Self-Important Edition

This screed by Mark Ames could be a remarkably witty and carefully executed satire.

But I fear it's not....and so let's play the Grand Game! What's your favorite passage? I like #3, near the end, of course:

3. Anytime anyone says anything libertarian, spit on them. Libertarians are by definition enemies of the state: they are against promoting American citizens’ general welfare and against policies that create a perfect union. Like Communists before them, they are actively subverting the Constitution and the American Dream, and replacing it with a Kleptocratic Nightmare.

Some good stuff there. I, for one, never knew that the Communists were bent on replacing the American Dream with a "Kleptocratic Nightmare." In fact, equating Libertarians and Communists seems almost Hayekian, in a deeply confused (or satirical, I can't rule that out) way.

Note to Mr. Overwater: There's some Left Wing Authoritarianism for ya, bud.


  1. "A century-old ideological movement, Liberalism[...]"

    Depending on what definition of Liberalism you use, this statement is either False or False.

  2. Anytime anyone [sees Mark Ames], spit on [him]. [Mark Ames is] by definition [an] enemy of the [people]: [he is] against promoting American citizens’ general welfare and against policies that create a perfect union. Like [the neocons] before [him], [Ames is] actively subverting the Constitution and the American Dream, and replacing it with a Kleptocratic Nightmare.
