Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Great Thread on PSJR

A great thread about "should you take a dog to your office?" for academics.

The Coase theorem, manners, and a variety of madcap exchanges like this:

A: I never liked having to maneuver around strange large dogs in tight offices in my suit

B: what was a dog doing in your suit?

I liked the whole thing. It's ALL good. Yes, I cheated to spend so much time on the computer. But I couldn't help it. I often took "Louis, King of Dogs" to the office in grad school. And Angus would get in some pretty good basketball-doghead-dribbling. Louie had a pretty solid upward head bounce, and was not smart enough to walk away.

1 comment:

  1. pretty sure I would also sing a mutated version of Cheech & Chong's "Basketball Jones" where "jones" was replaced by "head" and "baby" was replaced by "louie".

    I was always under the impression that sweet Lou LIKED playing basketball head.
