Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thank you sir, may I have another?

People, it just never ends. Now a group in California is suing Mickey D's over their happy meals. It turns out that kids like them and get mad if mom says no. So mom is suing!!

I am not making this up.

Of course mom is not "just" a mom; she's an employee of a state funded vegetable advocacy group.

I am not making that up either.

Remind me again why we need lawyers?


  1. I'll bet she's fat. I haven't seen a picture of her but this type behavior screams out beached whale.

  2. I have to confess to my sins.

    I am personally acquainted with the emeffing lawyer from Dallas that is behind the suit.

    $@#!&sucker has been in my home.

    I bet you can smell the stench from there.

    I don't normally comment anonymously. I don't have the money to fend off lawyers. Yes, I am afraid of them. Kind of sad, huh?

  3. CSPI is behind it. Par for the course.

  4. To put a stop to things like this you could start with introducing a proper tort law that caps damages at a reasonable amount and then reform the judicial procedure (no pleading, cross examination; maybe even abandon the jury) and all of a sudden suing for things like this seems not very enticing and people are much less likely to find a lawyer for it.

  5. liability cap is a total non sequitur. Do you actually believe the plaintiff thinks she will win $ from this? This is a publicity stunt to bolster support for limits on marketing directed towards children and nothing more.

  6. Tell me again why we need California?

  7. Here's what a quick Google image search turned up. Looks pretty chubby to me:

  8. Next up in the news: Children open up a class-action suit against vegetable growers--turns out parents get mad when the kids say no.
