Monday, February 14, 2011

Profs Gone Wild

Cornell prof goes nuts when kid yawns...

The remix...

The analysis...

(Nod to Sarah Straw)


  1. Wow, what a freaking psycho! He went all Capt. Queeg on their ass! It's a gots to go situation for him, I think.

  2. As a high school teacher, I'd say this is just like any other day... Rude kids should get yelled at.

  3. I teach a lot of big lectures. People make noises. You lose the audience if you go all cap'n queeg, as Angus notes. Perhaps it is just to yell at the kid, but it's idiotic.

    Make a joke about it or something. "Dude, I was up all night with your sister, but you don't hear ME yawning. Man up!" Has some of the same effect, and it gets the audience on your side. Losing your cool like Cornell boy is just dumb.

  4. Is it bad that I yawned while I watched the clip?!

  5. Chris, me and Mungo's bad side is just as bad as our pleasant side is bad!

  6. Yawning associated with trying to pay attention:

    Culture is a suckie heuristic - it makes you act like an A-hole.
