Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Went to JBJovi Concert Last Night

My thoughts from Bon Jovi concert, from Twitter...Most recent first, read up from bottom...I believe I was one of seven males in a sold-out crowd of 19,500.

Jeez, the women here just went feral. "Bad Medcn" caused a shriek that rose far above the range of human hearing. Not sound, just pain. 11 hours ago

JBJovi concert: never has so much bleach been swinging and so much silicone flopping. These ladies are going to be sore in the morning! 11 hours ago

Opening act for JBJ was Billy Falcon. Impressive opening, charismatic guy. "Power Windows" 12 hours ago

Guy at Bon Jovi concert just walked up to me, said "You don't work here." He's gonna be busy. 13 hours ago

At Bon Jovi concert. Thousands of inappropriate 50 year old women, roaming in Chardonnay scented packs... 14 hours ago

The LMM is a BIG JBJ fan. He makes her happy. And if sometimes she calls me "Jon" when we go upstairs, it's a small price to pay.

Here is a representative sample of the entire arena.
(N&O: http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/02/21/1005895/bon-jovi-in-concert-022111.html)
With all that bouncing, there was a lot of Victoria's Secret product being asked to bear load factors, fore and aft, that had to be well beyond design tolerances. But I don't think there were any injuries. Hooray for American engineering!

And it was fun. (N&O: http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/02/21/1005895/bon-jovi-in-concert-022111.html)

(For these and other pix, go to N&O site...)


  1. I feel for you, my wife got tix for three shows of his over the next 3 weeks or so, and insists on dragging me to every one of them.

  2. Isn't that you playing keyboards?

  3. No, that must be the guy that bought his hair back then.

    (It is a growing market that Mungowitz did not write about: male rockers getting older, losing hair, being in desperate need of replacement.)

  4. Great.
    Today was the day I finally got "You give love a bad name" out of my head.
    Until now.
