Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hurtful, MOST Hurtful.

Darn, that hurts.

I thought Paul and me was tight, ya heard?

But apparently NOT, since "ALL his favorite libertarians" write for one blog, JUST ONE BLOG.

That's aaight, Paul, I see how it is. That's cool, you go ahead on. I'll get over it. If you really think that that brazen hussy Zwolinsky is cuter than Angus and I, FINE.


  1. I'm guessing you've been reading the Bleeding Hearts ... but what do you think? I haven't been impressed (which I suppose isn't shocking, given my starting position). I keep waiting for a really rigorous argument from them and I keep getting disappointed. Zwolinsky's most recent post on the Rand Paul health care=slavery business seemed really, really lacking...

  2. Oh of course! Freedom of association has been expunged from the pantheon of natural rights, isn't it? Anti-discrimination trumps everything. Who one associates with is not a person's business anyway. Only silly "right"-libertarians believe such drivel.
    Heh. This BHL stuff is becoming exactly what I feared - a gabfest of supposed libertarians apologizing to leftists and dissing their nasty cousins.

  3. Wow, Gowder makes Krugman look downright humble.

  4. I'm out in the woods with Mungowitz, not getting that "it’s impermissible to have things like anti-discrimination laws", at least in so far as it interferes with any individual's freedom of association.

  5. Geez, Mike. Not only am I a hussy, and a brazen one at that, but apparently you've also gone and converted me from a Polack into a Ruskie?
