Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jumping the Krugman

P-kroog wants to avoid the mistakes of 1937-8... by making the same mistakes the government made in 1937-8. In a lesser man, I would say he is just wrong, or suffering from epistemic closure in his world view.

But in the case of P-kroog, it's just his way of asserting the fact that he is no longer bound by earthly conventions of logic or evidence. He has, after all, evolved by now into pure energy, and has no corporeal form at all.


  1. chk da link mike

  2. (sarcasm)
    You're simplifying the issues that are on the plate of the nation at this point. We're looking at a 1937 style double dip --- everyone, Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman (TM) ... Do you have a degree in economics?

  3. That's not a beard--it's an electron cloud.

  4. Ah, this explains the negative charges coming from his mouth...

  5. I didn't read it, but let me guess.

    Swami says ... "He wants to increase government spending."
