Sunday, October 28, 2012


I'm in Montreal, for an ILS conference.  Pretty cold, but darned pretty.

Some links:

1.  KPC pal Zach Weiner sends this, thinking I might like it.  Zach is, in this as in all things, correct.  Me gusta.  Extrapolation rulz, kids.  For all you people who are guessing when China will overtake the US.... required reading.

2.  If this is the standard, all government economists should just quit, like these folks did.  Thanks to the LMM.

3.  Camille Paglia is great.  Sneering and genius need to be explored.

4.  The sex lives of conjoined twins.  Thanks to Angry Alex.

5.  Ouch.  Even worse than "too shallow" for a pool.  Thanks to Tommy the Tenured Brit.


  1. Camlia should be an absolute must-love for any atheist/libertarian/feminist, male or female. Mostly for this epic column 4 yrs ago -
