Friday, March 15, 2013

I love the way you ball!

Wow!  NC State football recruitment gets called out for sending out cheesy, creepy form letters that are just handwritten and then color-coded with highlighter.

Nod to the Dutch Boy.


  1. This is actually a well formatted academic screening test. If the applicant understands the transitory property well enough to put together than "NC_STATE_NEEDS" = "YOU", they they are a good fit for the program as "student athletes."

    If they are detail oriented enough to realized "BALLERS" != "BALLER", they are skipped over as potential trouble makers.

  2. Unfortunately more academic attempts to recruit talent went over subjects' heads, and the talent was going to the other points of the Triangle. If you can't beat them, join them.

  3. Mungo, I love the way you bog!
