Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Judge Holds SELF in Contempt

A Michigan judge whose smartphone disrupted a hearing in his own courtroom has held himself in contempt and paid $25 for the infraction. 

The Sentinel-Standard of Ionia and MLive.com report Judge Raymond Voet has a posted policy at Ionia County 64A District Court. It states that electronic devices causing a disturbance during court sessions will result in the owner being cited with contempt. 

On Friday afternoon, during a prosecutor's closing argument during a jury trial, Voet's new smartphone began to emit sounds requesting phone voice commands. 

Voet says he thinks he bumped the phone, and the embarrassment likely left his face red. During a break in the trial, Voet fined himself. He says if he can't live by the rules he enforces he has no business enforcing the rules. 


Nod to Angry Alex

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