Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bangs, Bucks, & Higher Ed

Look. If you can go to Harvard, do. OK? Let's get that out of the way right up front.

If you can't, here's a list of 12 places that are good value for money.

I have a lot of connections to schools on this list. I almost went to the University of Cincinnati. I had students who taught at Ohio University. I taught at George Mason. I currently work at the University of Oklahoma. I received job offers from West Virginia University and the University of Texas. I guess I am just a big bang for the buck kind of guy.

Oh and by the way, the average wage premium for a college degree over no college at all was right at $21,000 PER YEAR in 2011.


  1. Here's the issue with judging college cost: an education is worth a lot, but a crappy apartment (i.e. a dorm room) isn't. All these rankings encourage kids to go away to school. Many would be better served by staying home for another four years and getting a degree from one of their local commuter colleges. Obviously, that isn't an option for everybody, but it's an option for many more than take it now.

  2. In many cases I agree with you, though Cincinnati, Houston and GMU all have substantial commuter student populations.
