Sunday, December 29, 2013

If you are heading to ASSA....

A suggestion for interview technique if you are heading American meetings for Econ...  Hey, it worked for Dwight Lee!

1 comment:

  1. What's the matter Pumpkin? You think I'm a great troll but fail to remark Dr. Jason Brennan's epic attempt to conspire to criminally extort money on, he says, your behalf?
    Why, Pumpkin?
    Is it because you are a nut- and have an insanity defense, Pumkin?
    Is it because you are a fucking troll destroying your own professional life, Pumpkin?
    No, you are not a nut, not a troll- just a good ol' frat boy who thinks he can get by on his Charm.
    Look, Georgetown will settle. If not the legal, certainly some other aspects are already under mediation.
    Brennan will fuck you. He is a stupid cunt.
    Duke won't pay.
    I've contacted the other worthless cunts on the BhL masthead in whose name Brennan claimed to act.
    I don't see a lot of big pockets- and certainly one person who will come over to our side.
    Well, Pumkin, I guess your interessement was pretty fucking stupid, wasn't it?
    You should have stayed schtum, shouldn't you?
    But you just couldn't resist pointing the young Brennan the wrong way- I complained that he treated me like a troll, and you made me out to be a mega-troll.
    Fuck you, cunt. I'm suggestible, I'm mentally ill, but functionally, it seems, a meta-troll.
    You brought this on yourself Pumkin.
    I didn' drive no Chevvy to the levy, yet, here I am, and the levy aint dry.
    You good ole boys jus' carry on drinking whiskey and rye.
    English, not American Law, will put you senile delinquents straight.
