Sunday, October 12, 2014

Jimmy Kimmel Awesomeness

Our friends on the left often make fun of the anti-science bias of right.  Fair enough.

But the left has its own tinfoil-hatted goofballs.  The best most obvious examples are the opposition to vaccines, and opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Jimmy Kimmel, bless his heart, has a little fun.

Of course, we eat GMOs all the time.  Things like corn, pork, etc.  Any domesticated species is the result of genetic modification.

But that was through selective breeding, over generations.  Isn't it dangerous to use ....well, whatever it is that scientists use?

That's what these folks want to say.  If you are looking for a blue print for your own tinfoil hat, here's a good one

The odd thing is that the truth is pretty clear.  So why are you "scientific" lefties getting your organic free-range rough cotton shorts all knotted-up?  Could it be that your views are ideological, and not scientific, after all?

1 comment:

  1. The link to Jimmy Kimmel does not go to Jimmy Kimmel.
