Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday's Child is Full of Links!

1.  My unbelievably awesome Duke office neighbor Timur Kuran on preference falsification. How can it be that everyone knew that every knew and yet everyone acted like no one knew, until it came out and we all said, "Me, too!" On Weinstein, Franken, Moore (or maybe not?). Nicely interviewed by Virginia Postrel, by the way.

2.  Are you worried about the demand side?  Good, gooooood. I sense your anger. Use that feeling, and come over to....the supply side of health care policy.

3. Gig 'em. The 4 hour work week.

4. At least there is a bipartisan consensus among the elderly elected gents that female staffers want to see their little wrinkly "Congressional members." They're wrong of course, but the wrongness crosses the aisle.

5.  What is going on with Trump's hair?

6. Avocado's number! Zero! Zero pits, anyway. Better without that big stone.  And...voila! Capitalism delivers.  Better than the central planning solution: warning labels.

7. How is that middle class doing?

8.  Good news: It was just duct tape. Also, police conclude the woman probably was okay anyway, because she (1) is from Maine, (2) had a dog, and (3) had a roll of duct tape....

9.  I don't always agree with Andrew Sullivan. But I often do, and he has a way of getting to the real point of some hard questions. As, here.

10. Pharmaceutical flea markets in Venezuela.

11. Hey, bro! Where's my raise? A "Planet Money" segment.

12.  I was proud of this. There was no entry in "CEE" for "Division of Labor." So I did some digging. A while ago now, but still useful as background, I hope.

13. There's a pretty big difference between "I object to the 16th Amendment" and "Get rid of all the amendments after the 10th." My own view is that the 13th Amendment has proved itself worth preserving.

14. This guy definitely gets a lump of coal in his stocking. You can't troll IAWL, and you can't prefer Pottersville to Bedford Falls. You just....can't.

15. African and other black immigrants may not be welcomed by African-Americans. Or, they may be.

16. The "Top 10 'Brown Liquor' Christmas Songs"

17.  Daniel Ellsberg on stuff now.

18. Mapping ethnic patterns of urban housing.

19. The high cost of good intentions, on Econtalk. 

20. I'm willing to believe that quite a few academics really do fail to understand the public perception of universities as being wasps' nests of bizarre hatred of "normality." But reading this should solve that.

21. Chaining democracy looks like this. It's socialism.

22. KM-W and "The End of Free Speech."

Grand Lagniappe: The Pedant Revolt

1 comment:

  1. Last Embassy article says it's "a flawed presumption that all those millions of people with modest incomes would reject health insurance, not because of a lack of affordability, but because they would prefer to be uninsured." Prefer? It is always wrong to consider a preference independently of cost. I would PREFER to be driving a Tesla model X, instead of my 7 year old pickup ... until I consider the $80K cost. Then I'm fine with my truck. If I could just convince Government that a nice, new, electric car was a basic human right (like health care), then I could pick up a $70K subsidy and buy... oops! Looks like the cost of that car just went to $300K.
