Monday, January 05, 2009

Gopher Broke Senator

It appears the Gopher state is going to send a skunk to the Senate.

I have to admit, it is hard to read around the self-serving, partisan (even for the WaPo) claptrap in this article, but it does seem that Stuart Smalley is heading east to the District.

It seems time for the "Grand Game." I would say that the scariest part of the article is one of two possibilities:

a. First, on votes not counted, but now counted, for Franken, the WaPo weasels say "Don't ask." Just trust us, folks, NOW the count is correct. Don't worry your pretty little heads over the details. But, when other ballots might favor Coleman, they are "allegedly wrongly rejected." Is it okay if we ask about THAT? Or should we just wait until you get this all decided behind some locked door?

b. Al Franken and that hot Senator "Frazier*" picture. Wow.

Look, I'm no fan of Norm Coleman. But Al Franken? AL FRANKEN? Golly.

*George W. Bush calls Diane Feinstein "Frazier." Yes, he does. Because Barbara Boxer (BOXER) is called "Ali." I'm not sure why Bush might think that Boxer and Feinstein are Ali-Frazier style rivals, but there it is.


  1. I can't be the first to say this, can I?
    Separated at birth:
    Munger (Insert any mental image here).

  2. I believe that GWB would refer to Sen. Diane Feinstein as "Frazier" because she looks like Kelsey Grammer in a dress. Bleech!
