Monday, January 05, 2009

Your Chance to Strike a Blow for Truth, Justice, and Laissez Faire Economics!

Hey, Econtalk got nominated again.

The competition is tough.

But you can vote once per day per IP address.

Vote early AND OFTEN, please!

(And, you might give a quick shout out to KPS friend Betsy, while you are at it! Vote for "Betsy's Page," while you are at the site)


  1. Ranked number one at the moment! Econtalk is the only podcast I'm passionate about. Love your work, please keep it up.

  2. sadly, one digg post on TWiT will add thousands of votes. But second ain't half bad! Barely beat out 'glenn and helen show' last year, which is a far inferior podcast, though still sometimes interesting.

    More Mungercasts, por favor.

  3. Good Job! Hopefully you guys can bring the bacon home... More Power!!!
