Friday, July 10, 2009

Bringing their A game

Loyal KPC readers know that when it comes to the annual "running of the bulls" in Pamplona, I am totally rooting for the bulls (see here and here).

Well this year the bulls are not fooling around, as they claimed their 15th victim since the "festival" started keeping records in the early 1900s.

According to the NY daily news:

"The San Fermin festival Web site said the unidentified man was gored in the neck and lung during a run in which a rogue bull named Cappuccino separated from the pack, which is among the worst things that can happen at Spain's most popular fiesta."

"Rogue"? Really? Why not "Rational" or "Unhappy to be stampeded through the streets only to be ritually slaughtered later in front of a cheering crowd"

Spain is a beautiful country that I greatly enjoyed visiting but there is something deeply F-d up about a place where this is the "most popular fiesta" in the country.


  1. go bulls
    da bulls da bulls da bulls da bulls
    da bulls da bulls Ditka

  2. I always thought this was so crazy.

  3. There was an important news item on this topic back in 2004, it would seem.

    "Zapatero said the government has no estimate of the number of bulls currently living in Spain, due to the animals' stealthy nature."
