1. They've got dead horses, don't they?
2. I don't know. Those Swedes are a little crazy.
3. I must admit: Ketchup packets bug me. Seems like a lot of packaging for very little ketchup, and much of it gets left in the packet. I understand there must be no cheaper way to deliver it, and monitor overuse (ketchup is more expensive than plastic), but ketchup packets bug me. They may not be around much longer.
4. Do WalMart "Supercenters" improve food security? Spoiler alert: For the most part, yes.
5. Trump lied. People yawned.
6. Manhattan DA to stop prosecuting pot cases, at least for personal possession of small amounts.
7. The real problem is conservative McCarthyism, according to CGK's John Hardin. He is not wrong.
8. That forkin' blockchain...
9. Mmmmm.....bbq. Best practices. Aluminum foil.
10. Russ Roberts and outrage. (He's against it)
11. Editing a human.
12. Is "free" consistent with "freedom"?
13. You probably don't understand the "blockchain." That's okay. Most people don't.
14. Maduro is one of the very best illustrations of Hayek's "Why the Worst Get on Top." But even this schlomozzle is willing to admit their idiotic approach to socialism has "failed."
15. It is odd that we have screening for airplanes, and not for water plants, electricity substations, and major highway tunnels. But maybe we won't have so much screening for airlines, at smaller airports at least.
14. Ontario ends UBI experiment, two years early.
15. Timmy's in the well! Go get help, Lassie. Or at least dig out from the pillows.
16. The end of tipping?
17. Things may seem bad. But as long as there are ice cream trucks, there is hope. And, there ARE ice cream trucks.
18. Vitruvius.
19. Predicting fiscal crises.
20. Measuring output, and prices, and productivity.
21. In the early 1990s I was often told, in condescending tones, that "Europeans are different. We will have no trouble with opening our borders, because we are multicultural, unlike you reactionary Americans." Well, some Europeans are different. But not many.
22. Books on speech.
23. Software eats the world. But some claims are, at best, exaggerated.
Grand Lagniappe: Okay, Millenial Friends. This has totally happened to you, admit it.
Linked URL for #9... Fascinating...