Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday's Child is Full of Links!

1. The Tembro Sharing Economy Index (TSEI)

2.  Why do intellectuals hate entrepreneurs, but envy profits?

3. The "We must DO something!" people are, as usual, making things worse. This law is going to harm people with legitimate pain, while doing essentially nothing to stop overdoses and new addictions. Note well: new addictions are only rarely using medication prescribed for them.  I understand; your uncle's cousin's sister's friend's dogsitter got addicted that way. In terms of statistics, that is just NOT how addiction generally happens. "Fixing" that problem makes things worse, not better.

4.  A. Salter calls foul on Lubbock A-J. And rightly so.

5.  Profits.

6.  Man with no arms and no legs commits double murder. Now is armed and on the run. A Florida story.

7.  The art auction of the century. Or perhaps of late August.

8.  An economics joke.

9.  Political Libertarianism, by JT Levy

10.  Climate change and Aussie politics.

11. FDA: We got this. Milk is animal juice, not plant or nut juice. Because...well, because we say so.

12.  Dude. If you hate women this much, you shouldn't live in Katy....

13.  If you think people on the left, or the religious right, care about poor people and orphans....well, not so much. Pawns in a bigger game. (UPDATED IN RESPONSE TO COMMENT)

14.  Mere civility.

15.  JFK's Harvard application essay. Why blame the guy? He understood what he wanted and how Harvard would help him get there.

16. It's been fifty years since Prague Spring.  I just that "Trump Winter is Coming" is an unfounded fear....

17.  This is the best thing I've seen from Bad Lip Reading. Inspired.

18.  Florida Man. Not just some cash, but some donuts, and "off the secret menu."

19.  This is hilarious. Also sad. Note the date: May 2017. Outwitted and outmaneuvered at every turn. Yup, that's exactly wot hoppint.

20. The 1980s were the high point of terrible animation put to song. Magnificent.

21. Nice piece by D-Drez. We have SOMETHING to thank Mr. Trump for. Plus, Paul Krugman now occasionally remembers that he was once an economist

 The Grand Lagniappe: A baby aardvark. Looks like an alien/reptile rabbit/cute baby all in one.


  1. #13, did you not finish the article? The family was treated far worse by the alt-right than by the left.

  2. Well, gosh. No one on the alt-right professes to care about the poor. Or multi-culturalism. At least their hate is honest. Problematic, but honest.

  3. Also, I wouldn’t generally characterize the alt-right as the “religious right.” Whatever else you want to say about someone who would criticize a mixed-race adoption on that basis, I sure as heck hope they’re not getting succor from any remotely mainstream Christian I really that out of touch with the pews of America?

  4. Your family is the product of "white supremacy and colonialism"; this is "truth and prophesy." Said by a 'mainstream' liberal minister in front of my young daughter shortly after introductions.

    This racist crit theory stuff is what we need to discuss in the family. The alt-right is stuff in the news, the alt-left we actually have to encounter in everyday life.
