Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Monday's Child is Full of Links

 1.  Right to repair, explained (with thanks to Mr. Overwater).  Should these kinds of contracts be legal? You don't have to buy the product, after all.  Old issue of "tying," of course. Here are the "2018 highlights" for right to repair.

2.  I have no idea how much, if any, of this is real. Please help. In addition to all the other strangeness, the notion of a "vegan condom" has me staring out the window. What the.... (Did some checking. Goodness.)

3.  It's not really fair to blame the USPS for its inability to fund the lavish retirement bennies Congress promised employees.  That should be covered separately. But as it stands, they goin' down. 

4. Pretty impressive to get all natural and go kick down some Xmas decorations. Especially in Wisconsin. Pretty cold for nekkid decoration kicking.

5. Had never seen this. PBS did a Gordon Tullock video. On voting. Called Voting Schmoting.

6. Will transaction costs reduction spell the end of brick-and-mortar retail?

7.  Year of the Old Boys.

8.  Bannon goes full "Bond Villain." In a castle.

9.  Titanoboa.

10.  Home Alone, 2018 update.

Grand Lagniappe: Remy thinks it's beginning to look a lot like Christams....

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