Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday's Child is Full of Links

1.  My closet is in the cloud.

2.  Divorce in the UK. Deciders, not sliders.

3.  Calling out Chelsea.

4.  If you're worried about stocks, buy a house.

5.  Dem candidates on housing.

6. I understand that AirBnb presents regulatory challenges. But this dumb sh*t is clearly not the way to go.

7.  On a "national divorce."

8.  How a "foreign correspondent" might cover the scandal on US college admissions.

9. Instagram: Hive of conspiracy theorists?

10. Did capitalism save Sweden?

11.  Dune.

12.  Is capitalism sustainable?

13.  Little tiny baby fox puppies.

14.  This is from May 2017. But the wall STILL won't work.

15. The best argument for capitalism is the grocery store. It seems mundane, but it's pretty great.

16. A panda trying to get into a hammock.

17. Witch Windows....

18. Clearly, I live in a bubble. Had never heard of Scruff. Reducing all sorts of transaction costs.

19.  The end of significance.

20.  The Electoral College is just federalism.

21.  Zoning and "political capitalism."

22.  Mother Russia.

23.  Guy writes article where the tl;dr is "If you are an idiot like I am, you should drop FB."

24.  Escaped Wallaby Walkabout would be a great name for a band.

25.  The EC is okay, but it's not worth defending at all costs. It is, in fact, an anachronism.

26.  In Tomorrow 3.0 I talk about "saltation" as an alternative to separation. But it's not really happening.

27. How many chuggas before the first choo?

Grand Lagniappe:

Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday's Child is Full of Links

1.  Eternal employment.

2.  The nanny state gets all real.

3.  I do want to thank all you kids. Yes, I'm already rich and all. But it's good of you younglings to pay for all my healthcare anyway. We just need more of you. I plan to be expensive.

4.  The Momo hoax. Local news is an active participant.  Including the ridiculous talking heads at WRAL, our home news fabricator here in Raleigh.  Embarrassing.

5.  Famines no longer exist, unless there is a war or a state uses famine as a weapon of genocide. Capitalism is not the only reason, but it's a big part of the reason this is true.

6.  Now that Amazon is up to 5% of the retail market, they must be broken up. Wait, what? That's 5%, folks. Not 50%, just 5%.

7.  He's tall, he's rich, he's got good hair and creamy white skin. Why should Manafort have to be in some icky jail? Well, because he's a $^&%*^&% criminal, for one thing.

8.  Tipping flight attendants. But it's only on in-flight purchases. I tip in the Sky Club. Why not in the sky?

9.  On Ilhan Omar. To her credit, criticizes Obama.  Good for her.

10.  I'm not sure people who advocate socialism "don't understand" what socialism is. But I know that we disagree about what socialism is.

11. "The Walk" was not good.

12.  Researchers, or corporate allies?

13.  The dishwater of orthodoxies.

14.  Facial recognition.

 15.   W F Buckley.

16.  Aid to Venezuela?

17.  Not sure this is real. But it says....something. Not sure
just what.

18.  Images of the divine.

19. I'm not sure this is on the up-and-up. Twice? Same store?

20.  People who believe in magic always want to destroy technology, because they think it's magic.

21. Occupational licensing. If we can't get rid of it, perhaps we can just start it in prison?

22.  This is interesting. CNN recognizes that war increase new viewership, perhaps? Because it turns out....

23.  Luxury car subscription.

24. My Duke colleague Jack Knight, on political science

Grand Lagniappe:  Remember how you drew cars when you were 5 or 6? It lives.