Friday, May 14, 2010

Darned Profits! They must DIE!

Heh. Heh heh. Heh.

He said "Sackodonuts."

Why loopholes are good things, segun yo.


Anonymous said...

Ima jus wonderin... Is Tony Sackodonuts more or less prejudicial than say: Boris Bowloborscht, or Jose Bagoburritos, or Lebron Bucketochicken, or Abdul Grabagoat, to name a few? jus wonderin, from an Italian point of view???

Mungowitz said...

I like "Abdul Grabagoat," and promise to use that from now on.

My wife is Italian, and so I tend to think in terms of Italian stereotypes.

But the goal of KPC is to offend EVERYONE, so I'll try to spread it around.