Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Allen's "I have a macaca" speech

I questioned the possibility that Allen knowing used an overtly racist slur.

Received several emails questioning my genaelogy, and one who thought my parents were not married at the time of my birth.

But, one of the comments I have to credit, and will reproduce here in full:

Watch the video! Sen. Allen's comments were unbelievable. Reminded me of being a "Jungle Bunny" in third grade.

In any case, I made up some funny t-shirts and other stuff to celebrate the end of Allen's campaign. Thought you might want to check it out.

I'm donating 30% of the profit to Allen's competitor, Democratic candidate Jim Webb.

I am always a fan of entrepreneurship. And if the donations make you happy also, go for it. Mr. Macaca, you are a real American. As Patton would have put it, "Every REAL American loves an idiot. And if the rest of us can make money off the fact that our politicians are idiots...Well, you will know what to do."

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