Cute Hayek painting, and my view of a roof...

Best part: The Gothic window, facing southest, looking out over the main quad! Lots of the exterior shots of Dawson's Creek, the old TV show, were shot looking up at this window. It was supposed to be "Worthington University" on the show....

OMG!!!!!!!!!! You were on Dawson's Creek??????????????????????? OMG!!!!!!!!
Looks like you've read about 3x as many books as Angus, so the stuffier office is appropriate. ;)
So THATS what it looks like. I was never allowed in there when I visited Duke on sabbatical 8^)
It IS my sanctum.
On the other hand, I have never been in Angus's office, because I have never even been INVITED to visit U-OK.
So I still win THAT contest.
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