Thursday, March 10, 2011

You can't make this stuff up

Over at Mother Jones, Kevin Drum reacts to Tyler's list of mistakes left wing economists often make, by making almost all of the mistakes!!!


1. Suggesting that money matters in politics far more than the peer-reviewed evidence indicates.

I think the peer-reviewed evidence is wrong. It simply isn't able to capture all the dynamics of money in politics.

The comments are equally excellent until they start scrumming over social security. Here's an example:

His list of 10 mistakes made by conservative economists is much better.

Ahh, life is so sweet sometimes!


eightnine2718281828mu5 said...

1. Suggesting that money matters in politics

If money doesn't matter then marketing doesn't work and Madison Avenue has hoodwinked their customers into thinking otherwise. Which means the hoodwinking works... which means their marketing actually does work.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the second half of that statement:

"...far more than the peer-reviewed evidence indicates."

Money matters, that's fine, but the question is the degree to which it does.

eightnine2718281828mu5 said...

but the question is the degree to which it does.

Madison Avenue's revenue is a good metric.

Matt Gilliland said...

But left-wing economists don't go by Madison Avenue's revenue. They use a metric by the name of "OMG APOCALYPSE!!1!"

kebko said...

"Insisting on some Diogenic level of honesty from liberals is really just a way of ensuring that liberals will never win public support for anything."

Duly noted.