One of the few good things about going to Wash U was Cardinals baseball. Me and Mungo were there for some pretty good years (1980-84). We would sit in the LF bleachers (I want to say that tickets were $1.50 but that can't be right can it?), smoke cheap cigars, chant obscenities at the people in the RF bleachers and hate the Cubs. A couple times we even took the train to Chicago and caught a Cards-Cubs game at Wrigley. Jeez, no wonder we almost didn't make it through the program!
Happy flight!
I remember it being $2. Ted Drewes afterwards made it $4.
You guys were my heroes, until a moment ago. How can you possibly hate a team that is so miserable? It's like hating an abused puppy - just not possible.
A rematch of 2006 would have been nice.
Zenon, is that you? yes I was pulling for the rubber match. 1968, Tigers, 2006, Cards, but maybe next year.
Monsieur Angus, c'est moi!
The Rangers won fair and square but who roots for the Rangers? It's like rooting for the color beige.
My vote in 2012 is DET for POTUS. and STL for VP!
As for 2011: Go Cards!
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