Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Not Even The Shaker-Down in Chief Can Raise Money?

I wonder if this is really true.  Given all the many corporations--in automobiles, banking, alternative energy, manufacturing, entertainment....-- that are essentially wholly-owned subsidiaries of the DNC, how could the POTUS not be able to use his "Nice factory ya gots dere.  It would be a SHAME if sumpin' was to...yaknowwadImean...HAPPEN to it?  Capisce?" rap?

But the DNC is spending so much money trying to keep its money-hungry satraps in power that it's nearly bankrupt. 


Anonymous said...

And here I thought this was going to be about Uncle Dick and Duke Forward's *spectacular* success so far...

Squints said...

All O's fundraising efforts are pretty much for Organizing for America or Obama For America or whatever they're calling it now. Not much of that finds its way to the party per se.

JorgXMcKie said...

If this were the GOP there'd be major media stories using the wrod fratricide [and probably Tea Party].