Saturday, August 07, 2010

Standing (firmly) on principle

Priorities are a wonderful thing, people:

The Milwaukee teachers union has asked a judge to order the school board to include Viagra in its taxpayer-funded health insurance plans.

The Associated Press says the filing by the union comes as the district faces layoffs of hundreds of its members.

It is the latest round in a unsuccessful two-year legal campaign charging that the board's policy of excluding erectile dysfunction drugs discriminates against male employees.

The union says such drugs are necessary treatment for "an exclusively gender-related condition," the AP reports.

I don't know what the fuss is all about. Here's how we handle this issue at OU:


David said...

When I moved to Wisconsin, I was struck by the number of lingerie shops and "adult gift" stores.

It's gotta be the cheese.

Steven H. Newton said...

Shouldn't that be standing (erectly) on principle?

terrapin said...

layoffs, layons, whatever